Yui's personal task manager


Let’s say you had been working with Yui’s task manager for a day and you have list of tasks in the Current. Some of them are done, some of them are not. You slept a night, wake up, drink you coffee. Time to start a new day.

Review your progress

yui list cur

yui list cur

You have intuitive representation of your progress, the more green you see, the better.
But you can use the power of console app to count it.

yui list cur | grep 'done\|fail' | wc -l

yui list cur count

grep 'done\|fail' will select only rows with done or fail word in it, wc -l will count rows from input. Order numbers in first column of yui list cur give us total amount of tasks.

So, we have 5 out of 7 tasks done yesterday.

fail also represent finished state. If you did 9 pushups yestreday, doing one more today won’t make it 10 pushups yesterday.

Archive finished tasks

We do not need to stare at yesterday’s done tasks any more, so let’s put them in an archive:

yui archive yesterday

Will create new archive for yesterday and move done tasks there.

yui archive yesterday

Now, if you type

yui list cur

Only unfinished tasks will be there

yui list cur

View archived task

First, view list of archives

yui list_archives

yui archive list

If you have more than one, frech archives will be at the end of the list.
Now, use archive name to list tasks in specific archive:

yui list 2023-02-26

yui list archive

And you can open any of the archived task by id, as always

yui open 1

yui open